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Friday, September 17, 2010

Liberalism True Nature

Normally, I blog politics elsewhere but I decided to do a simul-post to both because this topic spans both faith and politics.

Liberalism today preaches that all faiths are equally valid. Basically, it's a "all roads lead to Rome" approach. Christian, Buddhist, or worshipers of coffee grounds are all viewed as equally 'right' to the liberals.

To quote Oprah Winfrey,

"One of the mistakes that human beings make is that there is only one way to live, and that we don't accept that there are diverse ways of being in the world and there are millions of ways to be a human being and many paths to what you call God. That her path might be something else and when she gets there she might call it the light."

Or how about this quote from http://www.manypathshome.com/
The core of interspirituality is the understanding that there are many paths with heart, many ways to be in relationship with something greater, and that truth is not confined to any one path ...

Some call this God or Goddess, some Spirit, Nature, Source, the Divine, the Numinous, Great Mystery, the Self. What we call That is not important to me; what is important is that you find your inner connection to this sustaining energy, and that it bear fruit in your life.
Some call this God or Goddess, some Spirit, Nature, Source, the Divine, the Numinous, Great Mystery, the Self. What we call That is not important to me; what is important is that you find your inner connection to this sustaining energy, and that it bear fruit in your life.
Rev. Sharon Gervasoni
This is basically "all religions are true", and it is mind-numbingly stupid. Let's logically look at the statement and see why it is so.

One of the three basic laws of logic (or, if you prefer, rational thought) is the law of non-contradiction. Stated basically, something cannot be and not be at the same time. A fact cannot be both true and false.

Christianity states man is a sinner, and is going to Hell unless he repents and follows Christ.

Eastern religion states that man's individuality is nothing but an illusion, and that when he understands (i.e. reach enlightenment) he will realize the illusion and cease to be.

Oprah thinks we are all gods.

Non-contradiction clearly shows that one is wrong.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Changing Churches

There are times that the moving of God breaks hearts. Thus it was with us when God moved us from our home church. I started writing this post many months ago, but never finished it.

We attended Victory Baptist for almost ten years.  We started going when Rebecca was pregnant with Laura.  We had been out of church for awhile.

I had not been I getting anything out of Rebecca's parent's church (a rather large community church), although it is a good church with good people.  Rebecca didn't feel welcome in my old church (plus it was too far to drive every Sunday.)

We started on a Sunday morning, and didn't stop.  We became part of the church family.  The church ladies threw Rebecca her baby shower. We fell in love with the people, and God move in our hearts. 

It started when my cousin invited us to his church's revival.  We enjoyed Capitol City Baptist a good bit.  The pastor of the church had taught me in Sunday School teacher when I was a teenager.   We started to attend Bible study on Thursday nights.

It was fun, refreshing, and spirit filled. We were drawn closer to this body of believers.We were very faithful to Thursday nights.

Then we went to a camp meeting the church held.  God touched my heart and had me surrender parts of me I've held back for years. God rekindled a fire that had long laid dormant in my heart, something I feared I never would have again.

That fall, we put our daughter in the church's school. Even though we were involved with both churches, I knew where God wanted me, and didn't waver. My rekindled fire was used of God at my church, and things started to progress.

I had much responsibility in my church. I lead Children's Church. I lead the youth. I played bass guitar. I did the web site. I taught Sunday School. 

Over the course of a year or so, God started removing things from me.  One at a time, slowly, he took them away.  First, the bass playing went when our piano player left. Then another lady took over my Sunday School class. Then a fellow at church wanted to take over the web page.

Isn't it funny how we don't see the hand of God except in the rear view mirror!  I don't think I could have left if all of this was still on me!

Then about November,  the progress fizzled. From our perspective, God's forward movement stopped. The services became dry and the contrast between Victory and Capitol City became very vibrant.

Abraham's heart must of been torn in two when he was told by God to sacrifice his son of promise. The boy was an answered prayer, and his birth was a miracle by anyone's standards, and in him the promise of God to Abraham was confirmed.

Yet, it was only when Abraham gave God the very thing  he loved the most that Abraham could be what God wanted him to be.  We can't serve God holding ourselves back from God.

My wife knew first.  She told me she felt God moving us on.  I resisted.  I still had the youth ministries, and couldn't even imagine leaving.  But the draw of God became urgent.

I wanted to make sure that we were doing God's will.We earnestly sought God's will.  We even went so far as to lay out the fleece.

In the book of Judges, we are told of a young man who God told to lead an army against invaders.  Lacking confidence, he asked God to confirm His will with a physical act of His power. 
Our prayer was "God, if you wish us to stay at Victory, move in the service during youth Sunday."  Such a simple request..
The Sunday before the meeting, there came a huge snow storm.  Power was knocked out, and church was canceled.  Since this happened to be the night the Christmas play and Cantata were supposed to be performed, the leadership canceled youth Sunday and moved the play and Cantata in its place.

Not only did God not move in the youth service, he prevented the service from being held just to remove any doubts.  We had our answer.

I spent several days trying to find the right 'protocol'. How do you leave a church in the right way?

Most people leave a church when they just get upset over something, and leave.  Their example I did not want to follow.

I also didn't want to be a hindrance to the church, nor did I want people to be upset.  After prayer and much reading, I decided that we just needed to leave.  We gave no speeches.  We tried to draw as little attention to ourselves as we could.  We provided no unsolicited explanations to friends. We just left.

It was with a heavy heart that I wrote a letter to the pastor, telling him we were leaving. Then, we left.  I dropped off the letter and my keys, and that was that.  One Sunday Victory.  The next, Capitol City.. 

Since that day, my heart still aches at times for my old church.  They have had a very hard year.  Within weeks of our leaving, storms overtook the church.  They've lost most of their attendance, and their pastor.  I am so grateful that I listened to the Word of the Lord and left when we did, before any of the problems.  The church is in my prayers regularly. 

We are, however, where God wants us.  God has moved me into new ministries.  I still play the bass. I help in Children's Church.  I am working in the bus ministry.  I've even preached a few times.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

and that's why

My wife and daughter wonder why I refuse to allow the Discover and History channel's Bible related programs to be watched in our home.

The main reason is that they are nothing more that hit pieces against God. They are full of misrepresentations, mistakes, and outright lies.

Doubt me? Case in point is History Channel's "Banned from the Bible", where the talk about non-canonical pseudo scripture.

They pondered 'deep problems' with the literal reading of Genesis, especially about 'where Cain got his wife'.

They had professors of religion scratching their heads going "I don't know..."

I did a Google search, and found 11.8 million pages telling them the answer. In a nutshell, Cain's wife was his sister (or niece, but you get the picture.)  If the professors interviewed were being honest, then they are morons who can't read.

Genesis 5:4-5 "And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died"

If I, a non-scholar, know this why then did these 'experts' fail to know of it?

Simple, they're lying. They're attempting to portray the Word of God as unreliable and undependable. They are trying to point out that you can't really believe what it says.

Assuming that Eve was created sexually mature and that she lived as long as her husband (930 years), and that she and Adam's procreative proclivities were similar to today's couples, I would assume that she had between 100 to 800 or so children.

Half of those boys, the other half girls.

Is that outlandish? Consider that a Russian woman, Mrs. Vassilet , gave natural birth to sixty nine children without the use of fertility aids. The children were born between 1725-1765, a produce of 27 pregnancies (16 set of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets).

How much more could Eve had done, considering she had several hundred more years?

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Horton Hears a Who.

Have you read the book "Horton Hears a Who?" The premise is that an entire little town, complete with little people, all live on a speck of dust which is sitting on a flower.  The flower is being held by an elephant in its trunk. The elephant (i.e. Horton)  thinks it hears something on the speck (i.e. the 'who'), but is not sure.

I was doing some thinking about man's arrogance, especially about origins science (so called).

Man states proudly that there is no God. That he knows the age of the universe, that he can tell how everything formed. This is from a astronomically small sample size.

We estimate we can only see about 28 billion light years out. That's a good bit. 28 Billion light years is too big a number to understand. Let's take the nearest star. Our next door neighbor.

Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to Earth at 4.242 Light years. The fastest man-made object ever is the Helios space probe. It was tracked at 153,800 mph. At this speed, it would take that probe 18,509 years just to make it next door. Even if we could travel at the speed of light (which is 670,616.629 mph) it would take about four years and three months.

This universe is so vast, and we've only viewed a tiny fraction of it!  Even though we've never even been next door, humanity is acting like we know everything! We brag about our smarts and make grand pronouncements about how things are, all from a single vantage-point.  It's like trying to describe the entire Atlantic Ocean by looking out window at Myrtle Beach!

We, as humans, think we're so smart, but we are like the Who's in Whoville, specs living on a spec.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Favorite!

Our God is a God of wonders.

Ever notice that there are two genealogies given for Jesus in the Bible? (Matthew 1, Luke 3)

One is the genealogy of Mary, the of Joseph, her husband.

Through Joseph, Jesus would inherit the throne of David (Joseph's was the ruling line), through Mary, Jesus inherited the biological blood of David.

Why is this significant? Because God fulfills his promises even when he seems to contradict himself.

In Jer 22:30, the Lord curses a fellow named Jeconiah (aka Coniah) saying that none of his descendants will sit on the throne. Funny thing is that God promise to David that the Messiah will sit on the throne for 1000 years, and be of the seed of David.

So God kept both promises, one that no offspring of Jeconiah's will sit on the throne (Joseph and Jesus weren't related.  Joseph acted as Jesus' adopted father), the other to David that his seed will be the messiah and rule forever (and Jesus, through Joseph, inherited the legal right to be King).

Praise God!
