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Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Favorite!

Our God is a God of wonders.

Ever notice that there are two genealogies given for Jesus in the Bible? (Matthew 1, Luke 3)

One is the genealogy of Mary, the of Joseph, her husband.

Through Joseph, Jesus would inherit the throne of David (Joseph's was the ruling line), through Mary, Jesus inherited the biological blood of David.

Why is this significant? Because God fulfills his promises even when he seems to contradict himself.

In Jer 22:30, the Lord curses a fellow named Jeconiah (aka Coniah) saying that none of his descendants will sit on the throne. Funny thing is that God promise to David that the Messiah will sit on the throne for 1000 years, and be of the seed of David.

So God kept both promises, one that no offspring of Jeconiah's will sit on the throne (Joseph and Jesus weren't related.  Joseph acted as Jesus' adopted father), the other to David that his seed will be the messiah and rule forever (and Jesus, through Joseph, inherited the legal right to be King).

Praise God!
