The main reason is that they are nothing more that hit pieces against God. They are full of misrepresentations, mistakes, and outright lies.
Doubt me? Case in point is History Channel's "Banned from the Bible", where the talk about non-canonical pseudo scripture.
They pondered 'deep problems' with the literal reading of Genesis, especially about 'where Cain got his wife'.
They had professors of religion scratching their heads going "I don't know..."
I did a Google search, and found 11.8 million pages telling them the answer. In a nutshell, Cain's wife was his sister (or niece, but you get the picture.) If the professors interviewed were being honest, then they are morons who can't read.
Genesis 5:4-5 "And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died"
If I, a non-scholar, know this why then did these 'experts' fail to know of it?
Simple, they're lying. They're attempting to portray the Word of God as unreliable and undependable. They are trying to point out that you can't really believe what it says.
Assuming that Eve was created sexually mature and that she lived as long as her husband (930 years), and that she and Adam's procreative proclivities were similar to today's couples, I would assume that she had between 100 to 800 or so children.
Half of those boys, the other half girls.
Is that outlandish? Consider that a Russian woman, Mrs. Vassilet , gave natural birth to sixty nine children without the use of fertility aids. The children were born between 1725-1765, a produce of 27 pregnancies (16 set of twins, seven sets of triplets, and four sets of quadruplets).
How much more could Eve had done, considering she had several hundred more years?