Liberalism today preaches that all faiths are equally valid. Basically, it's a "all roads lead to Rome" approach. Christian, Buddhist, or worshipers of coffee grounds are all viewed as equally 'right' to the liberals.
To quote Oprah Winfrey,
"One of the mistakes that human beings make is that there is only one way to live, and that we don't accept that there are diverse ways of being in the world and there are millions of ways to be a human being and many paths to what you call God. That her path might be something else and when she gets there she might call it the light."
Or how about this quote from
The core of interspirituality is the understanding that there are many paths with heart, many ways to be in relationship with something greater, and that truth is not confined to any one path ...This is basically "all religions are true", and it is mind-numbingly stupid. Let's logically look at the statement and see why it is so.
Some call this God or Goddess, some Spirit, Nature, Source, the Divine, the Numinous, Great Mystery, the Self. What we call That is not important to me; what is important is that you find your inner connection to this sustaining energy, and that it bear fruit in your life.
Some call this God or Goddess, some Spirit, Nature, Source, the Divine, the Numinous, Great Mystery, the Self. What we call That is not important to me; what is important is that you find your inner connection to this sustaining energy, and that it bear fruit in your life.
Rev. Sharon Gervasoni
One of the three basic laws of logic (or, if you prefer, rational thought) is the law of non-contradiction. Stated basically, something cannot be and not be at the same time. A fact cannot be both true and false.
Christianity states man is a sinner, and is going to Hell unless he repents and follows Christ.
Eastern religion states that man's individuality is nothing but an illusion, and that when he understands (i.e. reach enlightenment) he will realize the illusion and cease to be.
Oprah thinks we are all gods.
Non-contradiction clearly shows that one is wrong.