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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cold fire

I saw an old campfire in the woods. Its coals were cold and dead. Next to it was a nice stack of firewood. It struck me that this is a picture of a lot of churches today.

Everything they need is right there.   They have the people,  the building,  the program and the God, but they're dead and cold.  Their coals are extinguished and their spark has died long ago.   Without that spark,  the church us useless,  just like that dead fire.  Oh Lord, I pray, let me not lose my spark!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A shaman's Tale

I recently discovered podiobooks.com, an online repository of free audio books distributed as a podcast form.  One series I've followed was the Quarter Share series by Nathan Lowell.  

They are very well done, and I've enjoyed them greatly (except for the last book, sorry Nathan.  I just don't like how it ended.)

In one of the stories, South Coast, the main character is a Shaman.  I noticed that the belief system was similar to the world's spirituality.  

1.  While there is a belief in the supernatural, there is no specific belief in a personal god.

2.  The supernatural force is a helper, but otherwise makes little to no demands of humanity.

3.  The supernatural force, if interested in morality at all, is only interested in gross misconduct.  Murder, rape, etc.

4.  The supernatural force must be accessed through special rituals preformed by special people.

Mankind always creates gods for himself.  In the Old Testament days they did it with physical idols.  Nowadays, we make up gods to suite ourselves by saying "to me, god is like..."

While 90% of American believes in a god, they don't believe in THE GOD, the God who has revealed Himself to man through the Bible.
