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Saturday, September 3, 2011

What if I'm wrong?

What if I am wrong and my atheist friends are right that there is no God?

  • I would have lived my life helping others because my fictional god demanded it. 
  • My behavior would have been bound to an old book of fiction, which sets impossibly high goals of goodness, and I would spend my life trying to live better because of it.
  • I would have forgave others because my fictional god demanded it.
  • I would have stuck with my wife when times got bad, because my fictional god demanded it. 
  • I would have been comforted at the passing of my loved ones because I believed that there was hope beyond the grave.
  • I would have lived a life of purpose and meaning, due to my faith in my fictional god.
  • I never would feel alone, because I believed my fictional god was with me.
  • I never could feel hopeless, because my fictional god was my hope.
  • I was part of a group of people who accepted me as a brother and loved me because our mutual faith in that fictional god.
  • I would have developed closer personal relationships with people I would have otherwise never met or interacted with, all because our mutual faith in a fictional god.
  • I would face my death without fear, knowing I'd close my eyes in death and see the face of my redeemer.
  • And if I were wrong, I WOULD NEVER KNOW.  As my last breath would escape my body, and the blackness would envelope me and I would simply cease to exist, all while believing with all my heart I'd see my loved ones and savior on the other side.  
So even if I'm wrong, my life is richer, my community better, and my relationships are stronger.  I face the unknown with certainty and hope.  My life has structure and meaning.  Where's the downside?

But, if I am right and you, dear atheist friend, are wrong and there is a God, then
  • While you pride yourself in your wisdom, if there is a god, your wisdom is for naught.  The very basis of all of your logic is flawed.  All the deductions you have built your life on  is also flawed. 
  • Your brilliant deductions based on the assumption we're nothing more than animals has hurt more people than you can imagine.
  • You spent your life fighting against the Almighty Judge, and will be judged according to your works and found guilty.
  • Your absolute certainty that you were so much smarter than us dumb Christians proved to be a fatal mistake.  As you lift up your eyes in Hell, and you will KNOW YOU WERE WRONG, and will spend an eternity with that knowledge.
  • For an eternity, you will reflect on how that you wasted your life on things that do not matter.
  • For an eternity, you will realize that many of the others who you encouraged to abandon any belief in a saving god are condemned to eternal torment just as you are.
