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Monday, September 25, 2017

Getting saved young

I was saved young. My mom tells me that she led me to the Lord when I was six.  I don't remember that event, I was baptized shortly after, which I do remember.

I have mixed feelings about being saved really young. Sure, you're in a better place to serve the Lord, but there is another side.

I have several friends who lived a reprobate lives.  When they were saved, the transformation was extensive, immediate, and profound.  For them, they have a bright line of delineation. On one side, they were lost, on the other, they are saved.

As for me, I was saved young.  I have no bright line of demarcation.   For years, each night I prayed, "And God, if I'm not saved, will you please save me?"

When I was around ten, doubts about my salvation lead my mom to call my uncle and he had me pray the sinner's prayer in the back of one of mom's Chick tracks.  I remember tears falling down as I did so as God touched me.

When I was a sophomore in High School, God dealt with my heart, convicted me of the sinful life I was living, and I repented and committed my life, again,  to the Lord.  From that moment on, my life was different.

So, when did I become a Christian?  When was I saved?  At six?  At ten?  At fourteen?  I don't know for sure.

My formerly reprobate friends don't have that problem.  They can tell you the hour, minute and second that the Holy Spirit changed their lives.  Many times, I've envied their certainty, especially when the seeds of doubt grow.

I often cringe when I hear many of these formerly reprobate friends testify "I wish I hadn't thrown so many years away in the world!" knowing that neither side of the fence has greener grass.  Many of those years I didn't "throw away" I spent with doubts they've never entertained.

But, in the end, it doesn't matter.  I know that I am saved.  I know the Holy Spirit lives inside of me.  I know that I am bought by the Blood of the Lamb of God.  I know this because God's presence has made a difference in me, in my life, in my thinking, and my family.

So, dear friend, entertain your child's doubts.  Let them seek the Lord as often as they feel is needed.  When Satan assails them with doubts of their salvation, they will have something to point to.

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